Porky's 1 - 0 Hardwicke Sunday

This has to go down as one of the poorest games played in the Sunday Premier League.
Nether side deserved to win this game, and the least said about it the better.
Porky's did manage to get the winning goal, but even that came from a mistake from HRS.

Final score HRS 0 - Porky's 1

In summary both sides need to improve to stay in this league.

Man of the match Michael Taitt








C & G 2 - 8 Hardwicke Sunday

Great display of football from a HRS side that has gone through a bad patch of results over the past few weeks. County cup games are always difficult because you don't always know your opponents, But HRS knew going into this game they had to be on top form, and that is where they were. Only minutes into the game a long ball down the line from Dan Chivers to Scott Hayward who crossed the ball into the 18yrd box found Craig Harris who took the ball round the keeper to slot the ball home. HRS kept the pressure on C&G and never gave them a break, and it wasn't long before HRS got a second. This came from Gianni Duirno who had a free kick, which was all of 35yrds out. C&G tried to get into the game, but HRS still kept the pressure on passing the ball all over the pitch making C&G do all the running. Rob Hine for HRS found himself clear on goal and with a great strike from 30yrds gave the keeper no chance with the ball heading for the top right hand corner.
Half time 3-0

Second half HRS came out a different side, and it wasn't long before C&G found themselves clear on goal, and a good strike gave Jay Hunt in goal for HRS no chance. This gave HRS a kick-start to the second half because up to this point C&G never looked like scoring. HRS got there passing game going and a cross into the box from Mike Devlin found Craig Harris for his second goal of the game. HRS had to make a change when Phil Peers had to come off through an injury to his knee. This made way for Colin Willis who came on, and within minutes found himself on the score sheet. HRS defence had little to do all game, but then C&G found themselves in almost a carbon copy of their first goal, and another great strike for one of the C&G players gave Jay Hunt no chance for there second goal. With the game now looking safe at 5-2 HRS brought on there last to subs of Matt Payne & Anthony Phillips to replace Jord Smith who had worked his socks off in midfield & Craig Harris. Even though HRS was in control of the game they kept playing football pressing forwards all the time. HRS passing the ball all over the park found Scott Hayward out on the wing who crossed the ball over to the far post for Matt Payne to head the ball home for his first goal for HRS. HRS never stopped there Mike Devlin with some great individual skill took on the C&G defence before driving the ball past the C&G keeper. HRS finished off the scoring with a penalty from Scott Hayward being brought down in the box. Mike Taitt calmly stepped up and slotted the ball home.
Final score Hardwicke 8 - C&G 2

In summary HRS back to there best.

Goals scored by: Harris 2, Hine 1, Duirno 1, Devlin 1, Willis 1, Payne 1, Taitt 1.

Man of the match Jordan Smith






Globetrotters 4 - 2 Hardwicke Sunday

Hardwicke had to go out to the forest to play Globetrotters in the league cup with a very depleted side, having lost 5 of their key players including the Goalkeeper Jay Hunt through injury. The side put out to face Globetrotters gave everything they had and finished the first half all level at 1-1.

Second half saw HRS lose another one of its key players when Gianni Duirno at left back had to come off, but this gave young Matt Payne his chance that he had been waiting for, for the past 5 weeks. The team had to be changed round which didn't help HRS. At time all HRS could do was defend with Globetrotters coming at them from all positions, and it wasn't long before they took the lead. Gary Bartlett standing in for Jay Hunt done a fantastic job in goal making some great saves that even had the Globetrotter players and supporters applauding him. Globetrotter got their third goal from a tap in to make it 3-1. Globetrotter were pushing everyone forward and at time only had their goalkeeper in their half of the pitch. HRS caught them on the break when a fine run by Anthony Phillips saw him slot the ball home for his second goal of the game. HRS were looking like the walking wounded which got even worse when Spike Devlin signalled to the bench that he needed to come off through injury to his knee. This left HRS down to 10 men, and by now the Gaffer was ready to throw the towel in. Globetrotter finished the game off with a forth goal which HRS could do nothing about.

Final score Hardwicke 2 - Globetrotters 4

In summary the team gave everything they had.

Goals scored by: Anthony Phillips.

Man of the match Gary Bartlett & Anthony Phillips









Coleford 3 - 3 Hardwicke Sunday

HRS traveled to Coleford knowing that to compete in this league they had to come away with the points. In the pre-match warm up HRS looked very confident going into this game, and they could not have got off to a better start when Scott Lane had a shot from 30yrds which found the bottom right-hand corner of the net. HRS fought hard in the game and took it to Coleford. Rob Hine in mid-field along with Scot Lane controlled the center and with good running down both wings from Macca and Gianni kept Coleford on the back foot. HRS went 2 up when a great strike from Scott Hayward sailed into the roof of the net giving the goalkeeper no chance. Coleford got one back when a ball across the box found a Coleford play who hit the ball with the outside of his boot to chip the ball over Jay Hunt in goal for HRS. HRS finished of the half with a fine individual goal from Craig Harris. Half time 3-1 to HRS.

Coleford picked up their game, and started to run at HRS who was now starting to look tired. They pulled a goal back when Mark Addis scored a good individual goal by taking what seemed to be the whole of the HRS defence on, before putting the ball into the back of the net. The game was now starting to get scrappy, and it wasn't long before the Ref had to have words with some of the players. HRS felt robbed when Coleford drew level, because the play was stopped due to an injury to one of the Coleford players. HRS had the ball at the time and kicked it out of play so as the Coleford player could have treatment. In fare play Coleford was told from the sideline to give the ball back to HRS, but instead gave it to one of there own players who scored to make the game all level. The Ref explained that he had thought that the HRS player had miss kicked the ball so found nothing wrong with what Coleford had done. Final score 3-3
In summary HRS felt they were robbed of all 3 points.

Goal scored by Scott Hayward, Scott Lane & Craig Harris
Man of the match M Taitt & R Hine






Hardwicke Sunday 2 - 4 Walls S & S.C.

Hardwicke could not have got off to a better start, within 15 minutes they were two up. Two cross balls into the box from Craig Harris found Scott Hayward waiting to put them both away. It was certainly looking like they were finally going to get their first win in the premier. Wall's did not lay down they hit straight back, and a poor clearance from HRS let in Wall's to pull one back with a fine header.
This is the point when it all started to go wrong for HRS. They just stopped playing, and it wasn't long before Wall's got their second to pull level.

HRS tried to fight back, but it was all in vain, Wall's got their third and to kill HRS off got their fourth. This was a hard lesson for the young lads of HRS who found out you have to play for 90minutes not 15.

Final score HRS 2 - Wall's 4

In summary HRS need to defend set plays better.






Hardwicke Sunday 1 - 2 Little Vic

Hardwicke still finding it hard to get there first win of the new season.

This week it was the Little Vic who came to Hardwicke knowing that Hardwicke had beaten the Champions of last season the week before. It was LV who got off to a fine start when HRS defence was found ball watching. A cross into the box found it's way to a LV player who just had to tap the ball home. HRS tried to settle down and pass the ball around, but the final ball was poor. LV scored their second goal from a similar situation to the first goal. HRS kept plugging away at LV's defence until a handball in the box gave them a penalty. Scott Hayward stepped up, but a good save by the keeper kept the ball out. Half time 0-2

The second half saw HRS playing better football and while LV might have thought this was going to be an easy game they were take by surprise when a fine run from Craig Harris saw him slot the ball home to make it 1-2. HRS now started to get on top with shots coming in from Scott H, Scott L & Rob Hine, only to see them all go wide. LV had their chance when a shot across the goal saw the ball hit the inside of the post and the ball was cleared from danger. Final score HRS 1 - LV 2

In summary HRS need to be aware at the back from the first whistle.

Man of the match Craig Harris








Hardwicke Sunday 2 - 0 Brockworth Parish

This was a game that everyone came to watch after Hardwicke made their debut in the Premier Division last week and crashed to a 4 nil defeat at FCC. This week we had to face the Champions from last season Brockworth Parish in the League Cup.
It was Hardwicke who got off to a good start not allowing Brockworth to settle for one minute. Hardwicke were unlucky not to take the lead but a cross into the box from Craig Harris saw Scott Hayward's tap in adjudged to be offside. Both sides playing football at its best, which left the score at halftime all level 0-0.

After the break Hardwicke went straight at Brockworth giving them no respect, which seemed to unsettle them and it wasn't long before Hardwicke took the lead. A miss-hit shoot from Spike Devlin falling to Scott Hayward who buried it into the back of the net. Brockworth had a few chances but never looked like troubling Jay Hunt in goal for Hardwicke, and with Hardwicke's defense & midfield playing at their best Brockworth ran out of ideas, which lead to Hardwicke having free kick after free kick. Hardwicke's second goal came from some bravery from Craig Harris who went diving in with his head only to get hit where it hurts the most, but he did get the goal.

In summary Hardwicke out classed last seasons Champions

Man of the match Rob Hine.